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Showing posts from 2019

The snake in a dream again

I'm in a car with another girl. We're in the front seat. I don't know who's driving. I'm seated on the left, her on the right. We're having an animated conversation about releasing pressure at a certain point on the hand near the thumb. Outside it's a bright beautiful day. The road is scenic with the water (beach?l) on the right and a hill/mountain on the left. She is slim, with long hair, full of life. She holds my right hand to demonstrate the pressure point concept. While we're this conversation I remember that someone else knew how to do it and was successful each time to break pressure and as I tell her and hold her left hand to show it, I look outside the car to my left and I see movement from above, so I look up. I see something hurtling down and it enters the car, into my clothes from behind near left shoulder. I realise it's a snake and I freeze. I don't move. I tell the girl/woman it's a snake and i can't move. I had felt it...

The Tango with Vertigo

I feel for every step I take towards lesser weight, better health, I get pushed backwards 10 steps. This time it's vertigo. Didn't know this illness could be so crippling and anxiety inducing. Though my best buddy says think of the whole process as exploring your limits and move forward from there, it's been tough to do that because all I can see are the many ways this whole thing can bring my life to a halt. I love to drive and I've been advised not to for a small period at the moment. I just started t work out and that's another no go. No bending and lifting weights. And always stay hydrated. I don't know the cause but I definitely know I don't like the effects. Trying not to build mountains.

Goals and Resolutions

Why wait till a new year to begin focussing on health! Since I wasn't going to wait, gym membership it is. Of the 3 weeks, attended only 5 days. And where the focus is health and fitness, so far I've succeeded in catching a cold, suffering through a fever, was close to losing my voice,  fatigue is a constant companion and vertigo just made it presence felt. Oh! I crossed over into cholesterol land. Got to see what else I have coming up my way to stay healthy in body, soul and mind. The heart is on vacation 😁.